How you can support OUR Congregation

There are multiple ways to support the
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Quad Cities financially.
From our Annual Member Pledge Campaign to fundraising and some creative and unique gifting opportunities - we've made it easy for you to contribute to the UUCQC in a way that is convenient for you.
ways you can support:
Attend a Service and donate in the offering. 50% of the contributions are given to a designated charity every month.
Drop your contribution in the mail - by personal check or direct charitable contribution from your Financial Institution.
Annual Member Pledge Campaign for Members and Friends to participate in annual giving to support the daily operations of the congretation
There are so many opportunities to give of your time and talent because there is always something to do at UUCQC! Check out the calendar and see where you'd like to participate!
We'd love to see your face on Sunday - or ANY day! Welcome!
Periodically, the Congregation will offer fundraisers as opportunities to support the mission and vision of our ministries.

Have you ever wondered where the UUCQC Mugs and Shirts came from?
Well wonder no more!
Allen Bertsche, who is a member of the UUCQC, designed the beautifully colorful logo and uploaded it to cafepress to be used to brand a multitude of items.
These would make GREAT Holiday gifts and show support for your congregational community.
Order yours at
Contact the Office for more information about pricing, availability and Building Use Policy.
Social Hall (Lower Level) 120 capacity
Lounge (Lower Level) 60 capacity
Board Room (Main Level) 20 capacity
Great Room (Main Level) 200 capacity
Community Room (Main Level - Separate Entrance) 50 capacity